2012 Dallas Supercross Replica

The 2012 Dallas Supercross track is built for Team Tisco Racing. The Tisco training facility is located 45 miles west of Cowboys stadium, home of the 7th round of the AMA Supercross series. The replication of the Dallas track was led by Mx Track Builders. Replicating the Dallas Supercross track was no easy task without the convenience of a heated and enclosed stadium. John Steiner, the owner of Mx Track Builders stated, "The conditions our team had to contend with during the build were less than favorable. Half way through the build we were rained out for three days. There were also a few days that the temperature dropped below freezing. In the mornings the top two inches of dirt would be completely frozen. Our team braved the elements and produced one of the finest Supercross tracks we have built to date."

SupercrossJohn Steiner