We offer a full range of design services through our partner, MX Track Design Services, LLC. Our Conceptual Track Design process leverages advanced tools like Google Earth and CAD software to develop a layout that aligns with your goals and the unique characteristics of your site.
Our Approach
Google Earth Mapping
We start by using Google Earth to map out the proposed track area. This tool allows us to evaluate the site's terrain, elevation changes, and topography to determine the best use of space for jumps, berms, and other track features.
Preliminary Track Alignment
Leveraging data from Google Earth, we develop an initial sketch of the track’s alignment, mapping out the overall flow and strategically placing key features.
Client Feedback
We present the preliminary alignment for your review and feedback, making any necessary adjustments to ensure the design fully aligns with your vision and track specifications.
CAD Drafting
After incorporating client feedback, we transform the approved conceptual design into a detailed digital layout using CAD software. This step ensures precise scaling and accurate alignment.
Design Development
Using the CAD layout, we create a point layout file with real-world coordinates, providing exact reference points for field implementation to ensure accurate and efficient construction.
Additional Design Services
Depending on the scope and complexity of the project, the following services may be required, assessed separately, and performed at an additional fee:
Site Plan: Detailed layout of the track and its surrounding features, including access roads, parking, spectator areas, buildings, utilities, and other key elements.
Grading Plan: A plan outlining necessary grading work to shape the track and ensure proper flow and drainage.
Earthwork Calculations: A breakdown of material volumes, cut/fill estimates, and dirt movement requirements.
3D Track Diagram: A detailed digital model showcasing the track’s layout, features, and elevation changes for a realistic visual representation.
Irrigation Design: Design for an efficient irrigation system to maintain proper moisture levels, preventing dust and keeping the surface in optimal condition.
Erosion & Sediment Control Plan: Measures for managing soil erosion and runoff during construction and use.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP): A strategy to control stormwater runoff and prevent pollution during construction and operation.
Feasibility Study: Evaluates the practicality of building a motocross track, considering market demand, costs, revenue, legal and environmental factors, and competition.